Saturday, May 9, 2020

Motivation Monday Rise and Shine

Motivation Monday Rise and Shine Ah, another Monday has arrived! Whats on your agenda this week? Rise to the Occasion of A New Week What I really mean by this is to create opportunities for yourself! Stop waiting for good things to happen. Make them happen. More money wont automatically appear in your checking account. You wont get promoted unless someone knows what you can do and you arent going to land that job if you havent had interviews. So get moving and make things happen. Building a short term plan What will make you feel like youve made progress this week? What small steps will lead you to accomplish this? If you want more money, what are your options? How can you earn it?  All of these ideas would require short term steps.  Research, planning, small first steps to implement need to go on a timeline. Start a side business Sell off stuff Work another job Get promoted Find a new job that pays more If you want a job, you need to either have had a lot of interviews or arranged conversations with people who could hire you. Find target companies in need of your skills Identify people within target companies who have the power to hire you Identify recruiters who specialize in your area of expertise Create a desirable online and offline presence Seek opportunities on job boards Yes, it sounds like a lot of work, because it is! You need to plan and prepare for each step. Block Chunks of Time Rather than panic or obsess, allocate specific amounts of time to accomplish the small steps. Spending all day researching one specific company isnt going to get you any closer to your goal. Instead, spend 30 minutes (or so) researching the company and 10 minutes (or so) finding people you know inside the company and another 10 minutes (or so) crafting a clever message to the people you know. Become Efficient Implement templates and processes to minimize the time you spend on redundant tasks. For example, you know you will have to write many emails asking for an introduction. Create a template but be sure to customize it for each and every person you send it to. Know that each time you apply for a job, you should add a follow-up date (about one week). This keeps the job on your radar. You should schedule follow-up for networking contacts too. What items will you add to your to-do list this week? I hope you have pro-active stuff planned EVERY day!

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